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Number Title Writer Date
21 Dr. Lee Yong-Tae's New Year's writing to the program participants woods 2017-12-30
20 Lee's HPM program educates more than 180,000 people in 2017 woods 2017-12-30
19 Dr. Lee Yong-Tae conducting a 'practical confucianism campaign' woods 2017-10-18
18 New Village Code Club(úÁå³Ìø) inaugurated for 'practical confucianism movem.. woods 2017-08-23
17 'Happy Village' programme at Onhye-ri brought real happiness to the vi.. woods 2017-04-28
16 Lee's HPM program educates more than 150,000 people in 2016 woods 2016-12-26
15 Lecture participants during the 1st half of the year come close to 90,000 woods 2016-08-27
14 Dr. Lee Yong-Tae to lead advisory board of the Luther Univ. Moral Education Inst.. woods 2016-04-30
13 Moral and life education offered to the family of military officers in 2016 woods 2016-04-28
12 Booklets published for Lee's Character Education HPM class(2010~ 2015) woods 2016-02-06
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