Lee’s Character Education program has generated its own teaching materials, tools and methods and trained lecturers to teach and promote the program. In the initial stage, the program was focused on the implementation of home education through Bakyak-Hue members' children and grandchildren. It then has supported regional education programs for students and their parents targeting teenagers in elementary and middle school. It also has supported various education institutions and civil/social organization training programs that adopts Lee’s Character Education HPM by sending out lecturers, etc. |
Starting in 2005, Lee’s character education program has carried out moral and character education for 494,000 people consisted of teachers, parents, students, youth in detention centers(for juvenile crimes), elderlies, soldiers, etc. More than 50,000 families participated in the practice education sessions organized by Bakyak-Hoe (families that practiced Lee’s HP Model through the school program supported by Bakyak-Hue included) by the end of 2015.

Lee’s Character Education HPM has entered into strategic partnerships with Busan Dongnae Office of Education, Busan Seobu Office of Education, Incheon Bukbu Office of Education and Seoul Seongdong-Gwangjin Office of Education, and supported the provision of character education at elementary and middle schools. It also teamed up with the Center for In-service Education at Korea National University of Education, Gangnam-gu Office and the Creative School of Korea to help their efforts in character education. Since 2014, it has been expanding the base of its character education program to daycare staff and kindergarten teachers. Lee’s Character Education HPM has been cordially involved in the cultural campaign for new living: helping people build habits that will enable them to stay happy at all times and consider others' perspectives first. It has supported the alternate-generation education for grandparents and grandchildren in Gyeongsangbuk-do. In 2015, it successfully completed a trial of character/life education targeting officers and soldiers in a military base. Currently, 139 lecturers are actively promoting the character education based on 10 regional character education practice promotion committees nationwide. |
- Bakyak-Hue initiated character education practice campaigns and started training sessions for lecturers (November 15)
* Objectives: reinstatement of "child discipline" at home and building proper character from childhood
- Character education lecturer training launched for Bakyak-Hue members, 15 lecturers produced |

- Plans for home education and children's character education project determined at the nationwide Bakyak-Hue meeting (July 8)
- Sequential training for members of 7 Bakyak-Hue branches, 255 lecturers produced |

- Traveling training expanded to 18 Bakyak-Hue branches: 7,440 members trained through 57 sessions
- Published <Character education over school grades> |

- Lee's Character Education HPM signed an agreement with Busan Dongnae Office of Education (April 11)
* Dongnae Office of Education launched a project, "reinstatement of child discipline through stories with lessons," including programs, teaching materials and lecturers provided by Bakyak-Hue
* 29 elementary schools and 35 middle schools in the district participated
- Annual journal contest for participating families held
(31 families awarded in 2008; contest has continued on an annual basis)
- Traveled and educated at 52 education institutions and other related organizations; 16,316 learners trained through 168 sessions |

- Lee's Character Education HPM signed an agreement for children's character education with Busan Seobu Office of Education (April)
- Published <My children changed by the stories with lessons>, a collection of journals from Lee’s character education HPM participating families |

- The Korea Education Samrak Association in Seoul launched character education practice promotion committee and joined the nationwide character education practice campaign of Bakyak-Hue
- The number of families participating in character education of Dongnae Office of Education exceeded 30,000 (including 26,520 elementary school and 4,397 middle school students' families) |

- Lee's Character Education HPM signed a character education agreement with Gangnam-gu Office (June)
* Offered lectures for parents of elementary, middle and high school students in the district * Implementation of training sessions on a regular basis at the training room in Gangnam-gu Office
- Lee's Character Education HPM signed a "character education partnership" agreement with the Creative School
of Korea of Gyeonggi province
- Lee's Character Education HPM awarded a scholarship certificate to the best participant in Qingdao branch
in China (September 24)
- Published <I want to be a good mom> |

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism carried out a "teenager character education project" through
Bakyak-Hue (January - December)
- Lee's Character Education HPM signed a donation agreement for (character) education with Incheon Bukbu Office of Education (March 14)
- Regional character education practice committees organized at a national level
(Seoul, Busan/Gyeongnam, Daegu/Gyeongbuk, Gangwon, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, etc.) |

- Regional lecturer training held at Andong Dosan Seowon Scholar Culture Training Center
(regularized subsequently) |

- Lee's Character Education HPM signed a character education-related business agreement with the Center
for In-service Education at Korea National University of Education (January 20).
- Lee's Character Education HPM signed a business cooperation agreement with Daegu Seobu Office of Education (May 13)
- Lee's Character Education HPM expanded its education base to include day care staff and kindergarten teachers
- Offered "Parent character lecturer training" for 87 principals of Seoul national/public day cares (April)
- Provided "Parent character lecturer training" for the regional heads of the Korea Child Care Support Center
(May - June)
- Lee's Character Education HPM sponsored the cultural campaign for new living in Onhye-ri, Andong, Gyeongbuk (“Always stay happy & think of others' perspective first”)
- Character education practice committees launched in Incheon and Chungbuk |
