Dr. Lee Yong-Tae educated the branch chiefs and directors of Bakyak-Hue on the needs for and ways to proceed the 'Practical Confucianism Movement(ãùôÂêãùÊê¡ÔÑ)' in our society, as well as its effects and outcomes up to now at the Andong Hall in Seoul on Nov. 8, 2019. In the education more than 20 people attended. Meanwhile, the 15th lecture of the 'Happiness Sharing Academy', in which Dr. Lee Yong-Tae educates the people on how to practice the 'Practical Confucianism(ãùôÂêãùÊ)' daily and to lead a happy life, was held on Dec. 4 at the same place, with more than 100 people participating. The Academy was first held in August, 2017 to introduce and diffuse the 'Practical Confucianism(ãùôÂêãùÊ)' in our society and share with people the wisdoms to lead a happy life, and Dr. Lee Yong-Tae is leading the Academy.

source: Bakyak-Hue News(2019.12.24)