Participants to the Bakyak-Hue's moral and character education program amounted to 185,700 in 2019 and the total participants to the program since 2005 exceeded 1.2 million. This is a figure accomplished in 15 years since Bakyak-Hue first started a nationwide moral education campaign in 2005. The total number is 1,214,672. Bakyak-Hue's moral and character education program is based on Dr. Lee Yong-Tae's Character Education HPM(Habituation and Practice Model) and Dr. Lee Yong-Tae himself leads the program as chairman of Bakyak-Hue. Participants to the program consists of students, parents, teachers, soliders, elderies, etc.

source: Bakyak-Hue News (2019.12.24)